
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

S.H.E soon to release 70,000 word pictorial book [愛的3溫暖]

what we could have been, 6:54 AM.
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Have been very busy for the past month . Busy with new projects and assignments .
Will post more often when i have the time .


what we could have been, 8:42 AM.
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Had a great Birthday celebration with all my friends .
Thanks for all the love and concern given to me throughout the years .

Some photos taken for our little gathering



what we could have been, 7:38 AM.
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finally , The whole saga comes to an end as Mr Selamat is caught . For 1 year and we thought that he had ran away for good. But he was caught by our neighbour at Johor.
They believe he had swam across the straits sea between SG and MY using a improvised float...

Anyway , heard that he will be locked back at the whitly centre.
Maybe he will be there for his life le...


what we could have been, 7:06 AM.
Monday, May 4, 2009

This world is so small .
Firstly , i saw Fai and Crystal at CCK overhead bridge traffic light when i was driving back home .

2ndly , i saw Gui and Tracy when i was going out at night near TW Ntuc .

Is it because i am too engross in my personal activity that i forgot about my friends .

But that was not all..

I met my long lost Poly sch mate at IMM . i was going home and heading towards my vehicle when i saw this guy in black with a girl walking towards their vehicle park beside mi . My first thought was that this guy do look famaliar . I did not do those " i think i know u act" as i don't want to ma lu myself . But then , i receive a message in Facebook later in the day , from him saying that was i the one he saw at Imm . lol

Well, He was so so lost in touch that after poly days , whenever i message him in Msn he never reply , i sms to his Hp also no news . i been thinking this guy must be very Tao.. To forget his friend who chiong together with him so fast.

Yes . His name is Raymond Ng . Atlas , U better be reading this to noe how forgotten u are to us .

what we could have been, 5:11 PM.
Saturday, April 25, 2009

This song is very nice . When i first hear of this song , i thought it was angela singing . She is actually a actress in Taiwanese drama . I watch her act before with Nichloas Zhang . Her Album will be coming out soon . Lets support her .

她走了 我的灯 一直亮著
门关紧了 但眼泪不会锁
该好了 可是心 还是痛的
说过了 几千次算了 又想像可能会复合
我表面似乎痊愈了 某部份却像残废了
又圆了 的月亮 照亮我隐藏的倔强
提醒我 去化妆 把以后活的更漂亮
又圆了 的月亮 说改变会带来成长
旋转的 地球上 没有人能不动站在 一个地方
梦醒了 像旅行都结束了
纪念品呢 谁粗心 弄掉了
到哪了 做什麼 是否记得
相机里 两个人闹著 让微笑美过了夜色
没有他 以为该寂寞 但世界一样在唱歌
又圆了 的月亮 照亮我隐藏的倔强
提醒我 去化妆 把以后活的更漂亮
又圆了 的月亮 说改变会带来成长
旋转的 地球上 肯转身
总有些故事 值得盼望
没有他 以为该寂寞 但世界一样在唱歌
又圆了 的月亮 照亮我隐藏的倔强
提醒我 去化妆 把以后化的更漂亮
又圆了 的月亮 说改变会带来成长
旋转的 地球上 肯转身
总有些故事 值得盼望

what we could have been, 6:26 AM.
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday To Andy . May u stay handsome and find a GirlFriend Soon .

Thanks for the treat at Party world .

It will be my turn next month . Happy Always .

Ps.. Gui have not salute mi for inviting some rare guest . lol

what we could have been, 11:59 PM.


Ng Lian Seng. An Innocent boy with a hook conquering a forest of trees (Dreaming)

get one from cbox!
LCD Monitor
▪ Oversea Trip
▪ PS3
▪ Digital Camera
9 Inch Brother
February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 July 2009
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.